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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Cycling in Sarajevo

Sarajevo is the capital and the biggest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina with urban population of approximately 275.000 and 347.000 in metropolitan area. Geographically, it is narrowly positioned in the valley of river Miljacka and surrounded by the mountains that back in 1984 had been the venue for the Winter Olympics, but more recently, were named as one of the best to-visit mountain biking destinations by National Geographic in 2015 . With its three distinct architectural entities (Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and modern) that span through five centuries of history, the “Jerusalem of Europe”, how the city is often monikered for its cultural heritage, is nowadays facing the challenges of modern urbanism that is driven primarily by economic interests, and hence, the need for sustainable urban mobility development. Meanwhile, CSO organizations vocally advocate for proper-quality road infrastructure with micromobility as an important factor, whereas the individuals are making small innovations in the field with a potential to help solving some of the crucial problems of bike commute worldwide.

  • Information sheet

    • Date: 2024
    • Author(s): MARGETA Damir
    • Domain(s): Road Policies / Urban Mobility / General
    • Type: RR402 - Features
    • PIARC Ref.: RR402-049
    • Number of pages: 5
  • This article has been published in the Routes/Roads magazine

    N° 402

    3e trimestre 2024 / Septembre

    Routes et cyclisme